
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Invisible Guardian Angel - Always there and watching you.....

From the moment you were born and for every day for the rest of your life, a "Guardian Angel" looks after you. God did not put us on this earth and then abandon us to struggle through life alone!
For each and everyone of us, He created our own personal "Guardian Angel" to care for us and guide us through life.

If you do not believe in God or religious matters, then think of this "Guardian Angel" as an unseen friend who wants to help you! The greatest tragedy in life is to go through your entire life without being aware of this unseen "friend" who wants only to help you!
Make no mistake about it. "Guardian Angels" are real - and the great tragedy is the average person has absolutely no idea of their existence.

Fortunately, more and more, the subject of Angels is being discussed on the radio, on television, and in newspapers and magazines. Why this is happening is not clear.

Or perhaps the reason is more human than spiritual. The Angels are tired of being ignored. They would like to be acknowledged and appreciated for what they do. Whatever the reason, I can assure you that your life will improve dramatically once you have established contact with your loving, unseen friend.

Let me make one thing absolutely clear: the presence of your "Guardian Angel" has nothing whatsoever to do with whether you have led a "good" life or not. Your "Guardian Angel" was appointed at the time of your birth to guide you and protect you for the rest of your life, regardless of your religion or lifestyle!

Not a name that you can give him, but a name he already has already. Once you make contact with him, your life will immediately change for the better. Your life could go from poverty to riches, from sickness to health, from misery to happiness!

Have you ever had an experience where you felt an overwhelming reluctance to do something for no apparent reason? Have you ever been given an idea "out of the blue" that solved a problem? Have you ever started to do something and all of a sudden changed your mind - and were glad you did? That was your "Guardian Angel" at work. Think how much more you can accomplish once you know how to consult with him when needed!

I have myself experienced on many such occasions when I received help from unknown people when I was in distress. Initially I never realised, but then slowly I started feeling the presence of my Guardian Angel. The Guardian Angel is like your shadow - there from the time you are born till your death and you close your eyes and your soul leave this materialistic world with the Guardian Angel.

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