
Monday 17 June 2019

#Morning #Mantra Let's appreciate the present, for Yesterday is by gone, Tomorrow is yet to come and we are left with today. Lets focus on NOW and I am sure we will be able to take care of the present.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Love thyself

Many of us believe that loving oneself is being selfish and therefore, we experience a sense of guilt. Loving your own self doesn’t mean ignoring your imperfections or being selfish — it doesn’t mean that you say, “I am perfect and don’t need to change.” Loving yourself is not a selfish act. It does not imply that you must ignore the needs of others. Nor does loving oneself need to involve doing so with arrogance.
Self love means you pay attention to your feelings, your perspective. You are fully aware of your own needs while recognizing the needs of others. 
If you don’t feel fulfilled within, how can you properly reach out and become deeply fulfilling to others? If you cannot love and respect yourself for the person you are how will others accept and love you? If I don’t enjoy my own company, how can I expect others to find me interesting? Ask: Could you live with yourself on a deserted island?
Self love means loving and accepting yourself the way you are, while acknowledging fully the changes that you need to make in your life. Recognize the areas in your life that needs improvement and enhance it.
It’s human to err, to make mistakes, to know defeat and to face failures. We grow from this. However, what is important is to not to indulge in self-blame but to accept what needs to change, while acknowledging and respecting what is good in you. Release the past and move on.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you feel? What or who do you see? Can you look in the mirror and say, “I love you exactly the way you are?” Can you say, with conviction; “I love you, because I recognize that you are unique and wonderful?” 
We often feel that forgiving and letting go is for others. We forget that when we hold on to the pain and the grief and hurt caused by others—and if don’t forgive — it is like holding hot coal in our hands, refusing to throw it.
Do you trust your abilities and know what is good, unique and wonderful in you? If your answer is in the affirmative, it means you are manifesting a life of your dreams. If negative, then you need to delve deeper into your mind and soul to find what is stopping you from living your dreams.
We talk about loving others and of doing things for others, but, if a part of you, somewhere deep down, is aching, frustrated and belittled, how can you do justice to others? 
Reach within and find the real you; feel assured that you have great potential. Use it.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Tunnel..........

Zenkai - the son of a samurai, journeyed to Edo and there became the retainer of a high official. He fell in love with the official's wife and was discovered. In self-defence, he slew the official. Then he ran away with the wife. 

Both of them later became thieves. But the woman was so greedy that Zenkai grew disgusted. Finally, leaving her, he journeyed far away to the province of Buzen, where he became a wandering mendicant. 

To atone for his past, Zenkai resolved to accomplish some good deed in his lifetime. Knowing of a dangerous road over a cliff that had caused death and injury to many persons, he resolved to cut a tunnel through the mountain there.

Begging food in the daytime, Zenkai worked at night digging his tunnel. When thirty years had gone by, the tunnel was 2,280 feet long, 20 feet high, and 30 feet wide.

Two years before the work was completed, the son of the official he had slain, who was a skillful swordsman, found Zenkai out and came to kill him in revenge.

"I will give you my life willingly," said Zenkai. "Only let me finish this work. On the day it is completed, then you may kill me."

So the son awaited the day. Several months passed and Zenkai kept digging. The son grew tired of doing nothing and began to help with the digging. After he had helped for more than a year, he came to admire Zenkai's strong will and character.

At last the tunnel was completed and the people could use it and travel safely.

"Now cut off my head," said Zenkai. "My work is done."

"How can I cut off my own teacher's head?" asked the younger man with tears in his eyes.

Thursday 13 September 2012

~~Peace of Mind~~

Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his follower
s. This was in the initial days. While they were travelling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples,
“I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that lake there.”

The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!” So he came back and told Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink.”

After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.

Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, “See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be ... and the mud settled down on its own – and you got clear water... Your mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless.”

What did Buddha emphasize here?

He said, “It is effortless.” Having 'peace of mind' is not a strenuous job; it is an effortless process. When there is peace inside you, that peace permeates to the outside. It spreads around you and in the environment, such that people around start feeling that peace and grace.

Friday 31 August 2012

Paradox of LOVE ...........

A greater fear than death grips you whenever you are in love. That’s why love has disappeared from the world. Rarely, very rarely does the phenomenon happen that love descends. What you call love is just a false coin: you have invented it because it is so difficult to live without love. It is difficult because without love, life carries no meaning; it is meaningless. Without love, life has no poe
try in it. Without love, the tree exists but never flowers. Without love, you cannot dance, you cannot celebrate, you cannot feel grateful, you cannot pray. Without love, temples are just ordinary houses; with love an ordinary house is transformed, transfigured into a temple. Without love you remain just possibilities – empty gestures. With love, for the first time you become substantial. With love, for the first time, the soul arises in you. The ego drops but the soul arises...

“Moving towards love is moving towards an abyss. One starts wavering, one feels dizzy. Go to a height in the Himalayas and look down at the valley; that valley is no-thing. When you look down at the valley of love, a tremendous fear grips you. You are almost paralyzed: you cannot run away, you cannot take the jump. You simply tremble in infinite fear. What to do? Going back is not possible because love attracts: love calls your depth, love calls your future, love calls your potentiality; love gives you a glimpse of what you can be. You cannot run away from it, and you cannot jump because the cost is too high. You will have to drop yourself – all that you have been thinking yourself to be – the image, the past, the identity.

“But I tell you, the cost only seems to be too much before the jump. Once you take the jump…then you will know that whatsoever you have given up is nothing, and what you have attained is infinitely valuable. Let me tell you a paradox: love demands that you drop that which you don’t have, and love offers you that which you already have. Love wants you to get rid of that which you don’t have.”

~ Osho ✲ Knowledge ✲Action✲ Care✲_̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌

Sunday 26 August 2012

The Pencil:

The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. “There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.”

One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”

Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”

Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”

Four: “The most important part of you will always be what's inside.”

And Five: “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark.

No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.”The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.

Now replacing the place of the pencil with you. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.

One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.”

Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems in life, but you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”

Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”

Four: “The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.”

And Five: “On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.”

Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.

Monday 13 August 2012

The Tunnel

Motive Magnet